Meet YOur
Getting to KNOW Kade
C Level Executive Administrative Assisting
Kade supports Sign Shares on many levels. He coordinates and guides clients through the services they offer their members within language access and advocacy accommodations. His contributions to our business family platform is an asset within, executive directorship, project management, team placement, technology, all with a data driven approach. Kade Gives Back To His Community Kade DM Murdoch is a Scottish and Spanish creative, a deep thinker, who values his heritage, especially his viking roots, which debuts in his character as Galak in the audiobook trilogy of 'Birth Right: Galak's Rising', by published author, Christina Goebel. You will hear his deep voice resonate throughout each chapter. Kade is a man of man talents: technology development, medical research, and has facilitated a support group for people with spinal conditions prior to his character acting. He himself battles with spinal conditions: Syringomyelia and Chiari Malformation Zero on a daily basis, since he was a youth. In his young adult years, Kade has pushed through engaging others what life is like having rare conditions and living and independent life is our given birth right. Rising to all our earthly challenges is what Kade foresaw in his role as Galak, an opposite of Kade’s personal nature, but what he sees as a character conquest. Kade embraces the role as Galak as a unique challenge to play a role that most of society encounters and can find relatable. Face it, there are villains in our world, and duality always has a counter partner. Have fun reading this Sci Fi adventure, cover below. Kade continues to pursue his creative endeavors while providing his gift within advocating for individuals who are in need of advocacy and wellness support resources. |